David Robert Trevarthen
October 28, 1939 - June 20, 2022
The sunset to me is one of the beauties of nature,
Something no one can deny you the pleasure,
Should I lose my sight today, this is one thing that's rooted in my mind,
From now until the end of time.
I love the way the sky has it's blue haze,
Yet at the same time it has an orange blaze,
So many things can be wrong around me,
But that's one picture I can see.
I don't claim to be a Photographer or Artist,
Just in certain areas I have a slight gist,
The sunset here is one that I find so great,
One that I sat and watched while contemplating fate.
Death had claimed a person dear in my life,
And as I sat there staring up at this sight so awesome,
The only thing that struck me the most,
Was that everyday ends with another sunset's final blossom.
Author: David R. Trevarthen